Sunday church in Duk Payuel, Jonglei State.
 Celebrating independence in Rumbek, Lakes State.
 A blacksmith in Rumbek.
 Finishing construction on the roof of a cattle barn in Duk Payuel.
 Sunset over Duk Payuel.
 One of many borehole water pumps in Jonglei State donated and drilled by Total Petroleum to make clean water accessible in rural areas.
 A young girl in Duk Payuel.
 Awaiting a sick patient's diagnosis at the  Duk Lost Boys Clinic  in Duk Payuel.
 Waiting at the Duk Payuel clinic with her malnourished 8-month old daughter.
 Celebrating World Malaria Day in the capital city of Juba.
 Pounding sorghum for dinner in Duk Payuel.
 Making a spear blade from junk metal at the blacksmith market in Rumbek.
 Butchering a cow in the Rumbek city market.
 Carrying water home from a public tap in Duk Payuel.
 In the dry season, little grows in the area around Duk Payuel and cattle have to be moved closer to the Nile where there is still green grass to graze on.
 A typical highway in South Sudan, a country with only about dozen total miles of paved roads.
 The fortified United Nations compound in Rumbek.
 Flanked by her older sisters who have already dropped out of school in Rumbek, this girl has little chance of getting an education above grade two or gaining any literacy.
 An Italian organization, CEFA, focuses their efforts on agricultural training for returned refugees through establishing community gardens at schools.  These girls outside of Rumbek are spreading seeds to sprout before transplanting.
 A group of young men and women cleaning up the areas of Juba planned for independence celebrations in July.
 Malteser International helps feed workers building traditional tukul homes for 70 leper families settled together in this new village outside of Rumbek.
 At this school in Duk Payuel, four teachers instruct over 700 students. Nationwide, fewer than 5% of students complete primary school and South Sudan maintains the lowest literacy rate on the planet.
 Reading at church in Duk Payuel from a Bible translated into the Dinka language.
 The newest addition to their cattle camp herd outside of Rumbek.
 Moving his herd through central Rumbek.
 A woman at the Duk Payuel clinic with traditional tribal scarification, one of over 200 portraits captured during my month in South Sudan.
 An older man in the Rumbek market.
 A mother and her new baby at the Duk Lost Boys Clinic in Duk Payuel.
 A man in Rumbek with traditional tribal scarification.
 A girl in her cattle camp outside of Rumbek.
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