Collapsed buildings in Kathmandu after the earthquake on April 25th, 2015.
 A pregnant woman waits to see a doctor at Israel's IDF Medical Corps Field Hospital.
 Buddha's cracked eyes at the Swayambhunath Pagoda.
 Nick working in the ICU of the Manmohan Memorial Hospital.
 Ann carrying an amputee patient outside for some fresh air at the the IDF Field Hospital.
 Sushila had a door collapse on her during the earthquake that severely damaged her right leg.
 Dr. Webb assessing a new patient after the May 12th earthquake.
 Forced to live outside of her broken home, this woman and her family have resorted to long-term camping on the grounds of a nearby temple complex.
 Looking out on the Swayambhunath Pagoda from the roof of the shattered monastery.
 An injured old woman arrives at the IDF Field Hospital by military helicopter.
 A patient's older brother waits outside the operating room tent at the IDF Field Hospital. Inside, his 8-year-old brother's left leg is being amputated below the knee. That foot was crushed when his house collapsed around him during the earthquake.
 This Israeli medical clown entertains and paints the fingernails of a girl paralyzed on the left half of her body by a head injury received during a landslide.
 Jeremy talks with a father and daughter, both injured in Nepal's April 25th earthquake and still confined to neighboring hospital beds almost one month later. He and other Mental Health Specialists will be vital in the recovery of the country.
 Russell assists the Nepali doctors in an orthopedic ER procedure.
 Sama listens to Sushila's stories about the earthquake.
 A father talks with his new daughter, born premature only days after the first earthquake.
 Traversing the chaos of Kathmandu in what was most definitely an old cab.
 The rebuilding process starts at the Swayambhunath Temple by sorting through piles of ancient rubble one brick at a time. Anything intact can be used in reconstructing this remarkable Buddhist hilltop complex.
 Sorting through collapsed structures at the Swayambhunath Temple.
 Tracking down Project HOPE's cargo of donated medical supplies and medicines at Kathmandu airport.
 32 boxes of donated medications.
 A truck ride with the HOPE donated medicines and medical supplies from the airport to Nepal's Ministry of Heath.
 Sorting though the donations to find a few of those most depleated after the earthquake.
 Patients and their families evacuated outside from the Manmohan Memorial Hospital after the May 12th earthquake.
 Patients outside of the hospital after the 7.3 magnitude earthquake on May 12th.
 A resident at the Hope Hermitage, a senior citizen's home and Alzheimer's dementia care facility. They've been actively collecting seniors left without families or homes after the earthquakes.
 Documenting earthquake damage the old fashion way.
 Burning incense at the Boudhanath Stupa
 Selling vegetables in the ruins of Durbar Square.
 Luckily the massive Boudhanath Stupa received only minor earthquake damage.
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